The Gollin Boys

A glimpse into my crazy head. Mostly this is about my boys, but venting about everyday events and the great things about being a professional career woman and mother while trying to successfully balance having it all. lol

Thursday, February 11, 2010

7th Month Check up

This afternoon Grayson and I had an appointment with our OB. Barely made it there and thank goodness were only eight minutes late after all the running around stress at work to get out urgent FAA items but anyway, we made it with no time to spare and got to sit down for literally two minutes before it was our name being called.
I gained three pounds this month, bringing total weight gain to seven pounds about a pound a month! All tests including blood pressure surprisingly enough. Work has been absolutly crazy its like everyone is realizing "that time" is coming quickly so all this work is being giving to me to get done before I "leave" keeping me swamped and stressed out.
You are head down and growing perfect (Doctor's words) lol...We are on track for an April 12th birthday. A day all your own, see Mommy's good friend's birthday is the 4th then Connor's half-sister's birthday is the 14th and "Uncle Jason" is the 16th followed with Mommy's on the 22nd and Connor's Cousin Rachel's on the Mommy wants you to have your own day to celebrate your birthday!!!!
We start seeing doc every two weeks which means you are close to joining us out here. We are so excited to meet you finally and see who has been making my belly dance :)

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