The Gollin Boys

A glimpse into my crazy head. Mostly this is about my boys, but venting about everyday events and the great things about being a professional career woman and mother while trying to successfully balance having it all. lol

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I finally took some money and time to spoil myself. These days the budget and time revolves around Connor and staying healthy for Peanut. But I was able to steal away some time and get to my favoriate preggo store...Motherhood Maternity! This is the one time I absolutly love shopping, it is straight forward if I look good or if it doesnt fit right. So I spent what I was comfortable spending on myself. This is one of my Friday office casual outfits, the one day I can get away with jeans...

I think that maybe I am losing some weight or what I have is just readjusting itself...I weighed at the beginning of the month a gain of two whole pounds. I remembering loving this when I was pregnant with Connor and find myself loving being pregnant again this time. I have in the past blogs focused on what was different between the two pregnancies, this time I am going to focus on what is similar. I am carrying high and the heart beat is running about the same as Connor's did. I am craving much the same things, fruits, veggies and comfort foods cooked by mom. I am just as hormonal lol and nesting started early and is fierce again this time.

So peanut if you ever wonder why we call you that, this is why. We didnt find out your sex until half way through and peanut just stuck. Like Midget did with your big brother. Soon we will know if you are a Grayson (maybe Caysen) or Kaila.

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