The Gollin Boys

A glimpse into my crazy head. Mostly this is about my boys, but venting about everyday events and the great things about being a professional career woman and mother while trying to successfully balance having it all. lol

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

TO: Grayson James

Today around noon: Big Brother Connor, Bubbe and GG were in the sonogram room with Mommy, we all found out you are indeed a boy! My sweet little surprise Grayson James, you weight about one pound and still due to greet your loved ones around April 14th, 2010. What a beautiful gift for your Mommy's thirth birthday seeing how we will be home just in time for us to celebrate that milestone with friends and family.Our doctor had extra measurements done because Mommy can't seem to gain any weight infact she has lost a few this month. After about 45 minutes of taking all sorts of measurements Mommy was relieved to learn you are completely healthy! You have enough fluid to keep you comfortable, the ambilical chord is doing its job and the placenta is positioned in a great location. I got to see everything from the top of your head to your toes. Your tiny pelvis, well formed spine free of defects, both sides of your brain and watching you move around while feeling you move was awe inspiring. There is only thing we are watching is how you are positioned in Mommy's tummy. You are what they clinically call Transverse, basically you are facing the opposite way then how they normally see. I am so excited to welcome you to our family and Connor is already talking about all the things he is going to teach you. From Talking to playing basketball and soccer, peeing standing up to how to take out the trash, your big brother is going to be your best friend and protector from the time you are born until the end of time. He is already protective over you, when we are in the car and Mommy starts to get road rage and starts to say a naughty word he reminds me that you can hear us. You are one lucky and blessed little boy!
Below are your feet...
Here is how you look from profile...

This is your proud Big Brother Connor Mason A.K.A Cons

Monday, November 23, 2009

Catch Up

Things have been crazy for the last few weeks. It seems every weekend is packed full of Basketball games, baby sitting and birthday parties. This time tomorrow we will know if Connor is a big brother to a baby brother or sister, so anxious to find out this time.
I am getting over a bad reaction to the seasonal flu shot and a second UTI, found that I have not only not gained any weight but have lost a few pounds does not exactly please my doctors. But I am eating often and healthier then when I am not pregnant or nursing. I am now 20 weeks and half way through this journey, it is going a bit faster now then I intended it to go. I am enjoying Jerome talk to my belly and Connor sing to peanut. The best is sitting in a long meeting and feeling those little kicks and punches!
Well tomorrow is a major busy day from the time the alarm goes off at 4am to we get home whenever that might be.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I finally took some money and time to spoil myself. These days the budget and time revolves around Connor and staying healthy for Peanut. But I was able to steal away some time and get to my favoriate preggo store...Motherhood Maternity! This is the one time I absolutly love shopping, it is straight forward if I look good or if it doesnt fit right. So I spent what I was comfortable spending on myself. This is one of my Friday office casual outfits, the one day I can get away with jeans...

I think that maybe I am losing some weight or what I have is just readjusting itself...I weighed at the beginning of the month a gain of two whole pounds. I remembering loving this when I was pregnant with Connor and find myself loving being pregnant again this time. I have in the past blogs focused on what was different between the two pregnancies, this time I am going to focus on what is similar. I am carrying high and the heart beat is running about the same as Connor's did. I am craving much the same things, fruits, veggies and comfort foods cooked by mom. I am just as hormonal lol and nesting started early and is fierce again this time.

So peanut if you ever wonder why we call you that, this is why. We didnt find out your sex until half way through and peanut just stuck. Like Midget did with your big brother. Soon we will know if you are a Grayson (maybe Caysen) or Kaila.


Not that anyone reads this but I continue to post for Connor and Peanut. This month is going to be busy but awesome...of course Thanksgiving is coming up, but first we have "GG" "Grams" my mother's mom coming in town this friday and staying for about a month. Then next Sunday is my baby boy's 5th birthday! I cant believe my lil man is getting so big and how much he does on his own. More independent then I ever thought he would be, I try to do things for him and it frustrates him, like buckling his seat belt , opening and closing the car door, zipping his coats and buttoning his dress shirts. We are learning to tie our shoes now and write our name, he is doing better at identifying the letters in his and mommy's names. He is doing much better in school now that he is in the afternoon and I feel more like a real parent picking him up from school.
After Connor's birthday we have a sonogram appointment that Tuesday the 24th at 11:30. My grandma, Mom and Connor will be there with me. I am under strict orders to let my little sister know first before anyone else outside of the room. I have been so sour lately it seems everyone has been finding out what gender their babies are and some are not nearly as far as me. I will be over 20 weeks when we do the sonogram. Overwhelming that i am nearly half way done with this pregnancy. After the sonogram we have Thanksgiving where I am to fit in THREE families this year. Sperm Donor's, Jerome's and mine! That wraps up November

Monday, November 9, 2009

Afternoon Pre-School

Today was the first day of Connor going to afternoon pre-school. The move didnt come because he was having problems in the morning class, it was because of me and my selfish wishes. I hated that I wasnt able to ever pick him up or drop him off, that I was missing all the class parties and events. After talking with the Daycare provider and my manager, I made the decision to move Connor to the afternoon class.
It felt so good to see his face light up when he walked out of the classroom and saw me standing there waiting for him. It is worth the pain of changing our night time routine, although it only means pushing bedtime up by thirty minutes...Connor is adjusting to alot these days and I am trying to help him through it all but sometimes I feel like a bad mother for doing all this to him.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Connor and I had such a wonderful Sunday and busier then I expected it to be. We slept until we woke up on our own, no alarms were set to go off. Then we picked out some breakfast and ate in my bed watching Disney Cartoons. Then it was time to pick up the house and get ready to go make an appearance at "Deli Day" at the Temple. We finally made it out of the house around 1pm. I promised Connor we wouldnt stay long just enough time to eat so wonderful comfort Jewish food and see Bubbe. Needless to say we didnt get home until five pm! There were many more kids there then I anticipated, so Cons went off and played his little heart out on the playground while I got to socialize with the adults...
It was fun but I felt like my mother after networking with I later after business card exchange were high power vice presidents of Spirit (my employer as well) I headed inside to catch some more food to eat. At that stage I where I am hungry ten minutes after I finish a meal! While eating I managed to get advice on pain medication for the C-section that should keep me from having the same experience as the first. Valuable info and so glad to have it, in fact the doc wants to know when the section will be done so he can try to schedule himself to be the one taking care of wonderful and comforting.
So after all the talking and catching up and how much I remind everyone of my mother, which I took as a compliment, lol! It was time to gather the huge bags of corned beef, hailah, and other Jewish food, chase after Connor, and manhandled the stacks of books the library gave us for our home library, we made our way to the car and eventually home for the night. We made it to the kitchen put away the food and back to the couch. Went through our new books and watched some Noggin programing. Finally it is nine at night and lil man is bathed and sound asleep. I am finishing my manicure preparing myself for a new shift at work starting tomorrow. I decided to move Connor to afternoon pre-school so I can be the one to pick him up from school. It will work better with the baby in the spring/summer.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Second Trimester here we come

I am finding that I dont have nearly as much time to blog as I would like so far in this pregnancy. A quick recap of the first trimester... September 3rd @ 3:26am I "peed on the stick" lol and numbly stared at the plus sign and straight line in disbelief! I never thought I would have a second child. Jerome and I have talked about having a child but never this soon, wanted to get settled and married first. But guess the one upstairs had different plans for us, and I am slowly accepting that. But anyway, I only took the test because my neighbor had an extra one and said my "stomach bug" sounded like her morning sickness. lol...
So I was about five weeks along when the family doctor confirmed by blood test the pregnancy and the OB appointment was set up for October 1st. Mom and Connor went with me that Thursday afternoon.
I wanted to make it a special day for Connor, so I took the day off work and while he was in school I ran my erronds and we met Bubbe for lunch and went on to the appointment. Author Dehart took care of me when I was pregnant with Connor so I would never think of seeing anyone else this time around. So after doing the routine stuff, we did a sonogram. As Author put it, a fun one just to see the peanut. Mom and Connor were there and it was amazing to see Connor staring at the tiny baby in my tummy moving all around.
So until about week 16 I was so sick to my stomach and ate when and what I could, mostly Sprite and Twizzlers. Tons of water and soup were staples in those days. The worst part was Lunch time in the office, considering I sit right by the microwave and fridge, the smells were awful and at times drove me to leave for lunch when I didnt intend on it. This was about 13 weeks...

So here I am in the second trimester about 18 weeks along and I feel great! A little more tired then usual but all in all I feel great. I have gone from feeling the flutters to straight out kicks, I was shocked that so early I am feeling this one. But I keep reminding myself this pregnancy is 180 different from Connor's. This last week was check up time and it took longer then I was comfortable with to find the heart beat, but peanut was moving around so much and never to a spot that allowed us to hear its heart. But it was a relief when I heard it strong and clear about 148 beats a minute, Connor's was always around 150. Maybe another boy, but I have a feeling it will be a girl...We will know November 25 @ 3:30pm. I will have Four Generations there for it, My Grandmother, Mother and Son!!!!! I have been craving HoneyCrisp Apples and Chips with Chunky Salsa...with Clam Chower from Cinnamins Deli. Since the beginning I have only gained two pounds! It looks like much more....This is about 18 weeks