The Gollin Boys

A glimpse into my crazy head. Mostly this is about my boys, but venting about everyday events and the great things about being a professional career woman and mother while trying to successfully balance having it all. lol

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sick Buggies

Saturday after the wedding reception Connor was acting a bit puny but I chalked it up to late night and no nap. Sunday I picked him up from his Aunt Tina's and he immediately fell asleep in the car on the way to the store to pick up some items. We got home and took his temerpature and it was a bit elevated but not anything that concerned me. Gave him some cough medicine to calm down his dry painful cough and called it an early night. I was anticipating getting up early for work and getting my stuff packed for the gym, but being up all night had me regretting not taking a nap sunday when I had the chance. 5:45 Monday morning Connor woke up and I checked his temerpature and it was 101.3 and the cough wasn't getting any better. Needless to say someone wasn't going to work. I hated to use my vacation day but had to be a good mother first and for most. The weather made it difficult to not feel like the day was being wasted. See even when my son is sick he doesn't act sick, he laid on the couch and watched Noggin most of the day when he was in my room wanting to cuddle with me, even though noggin was still on. He was getting cabin fever around fourish and it was nearly 80 degrees, so we took a walk around the neighborhood. He wanted to go to the park desperately and it was difficult to say no, but I knew he wasn't feeling well still so no to the park and being around all those kids.
Last night was scary to say the least. Connor broke two fevers during the day, both were mild not over 100.3. He laid down on my bed around 6:00pm and he felt warm so I wrapped him in cool cloths and he feel asleep. I moved him into his own bed around 8:00pm where I noticed he was burning up. Sure enough after taking his temerpature again it was 103.5, terrifying. I nearly rushed him into the emergency room until I got my whits about myself. He was disoriented and not completely conscience. He had a twitch in his shoulders and was babbling making no sense. I called my mother had her pick up more fever reducing medication since we ran out that afternoon. I ran a cool bath and put his poor little body in it, after a few shutters and shock of the cool water on his body he was able to sit there unassisted while I got ice packs from the freezer and multiple towels and cold compresses. got him out the bath and put him back to bed without drying him off and got the compress on him and the ice packs around his trunk. He was sleeping without the fingers in his mouth (never happens) i knew he was not doing well. We got him up to take the medicine and sip some clear fluids. After about 20 minutes his eyes were looking like normal again and his reactions were coming back to normal as well. It was scary there for a while but we got the fever down to 101.3 and finally this morning at 8am he was back to 97.7. I am watching him for the next couple of hours, resigned to not going into work yet again today. I am not going to feel like we wasted another 80 degree day, once I know the fever is at bay we will go to the gym. Since he has been on antibotices for 48 hours I know he is not contagious and will be accepted into the kids zone at the gym. We will do our grocery shopping and maybe do a picnic lunch. I know he was sick but I don't want to waste a perfect day home with my son.
I wish I could be a stay at home mother but I am not blessed with that ability and am doing the best I can. I hope Connor never resents my decision to keep him and raise him on my own. I must work full time and once I finally get my schooling done things will be much easier. If I am making over 30,000 without a degree just imagine what I could be making with a degree. I am so freaking close, only two core classes that I have been putting off for 11 years now and two electives then I will only have 13 months left until my degree is done. Then on to the masters which will be another 13-15 months to complete. I keep reminding myself it wasn't the rabbit that won the race but the turttle. I will get that degree and when I do it will mean so much more then it does to those who just sail through school without intrupption.

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