Grayson James aka McSmiles Alot, is seven months old and is still tiny. Monday he weighted just 15 pounds and measured 25 inches, so he has grown one inch and one pound in a month. I am a little amazed that he has remained so tiny, when he eats no less than eight oz in a bottle and three jars of baby food in one sitting. A dinner, a vegatable and a fruit then will eat a full bottle not even two hours later before bed time. At least it is getting him through the night and a solid 8-12 hours of sleep. Since he is able to sit up on his own and is holding his bottle more and more the doctor suggested we try a "trainer cup", so I went out and got one for the house and for the daycare sitter. He has not quite figured it out yet, but loves chomping on it.
Grayson James you are getting so big and engaged in the world around you. You could sit for hours and watch your big brother and how he loves to play with you and take care of you. I pray you two have a great relationship as you both grow up and I feel blessed to be your mother. I could never imagine life without you or your brother, both of you make life fun and keep me on my toes every day.
Love you always and forever
Your Devoted Mommy