The Gollin Boys

A glimpse into my crazy head. Mostly this is about my boys, but venting about everyday events and the great things about being a professional career woman and mother while trying to successfully balance having it all. lol

Monday, October 11, 2010

Doctor Visit

Last Monday the boys had an appointment to get their flu shots and Grayson had his six month boosters as well. Poor little boy had four shots that day but he was a trooper. He now weighs 14 pounds and is 25 inches long..yes he is a little one but he eats so much that his new nickname is pigglet. But I digress, while we were waiting on the nurses to get it together enough to get the shots done I was able to capture this interaction between the boys...

Morning Play Time

While I was making breakfast this weekend I caught the boys playing together. Connor said he was helping Grayson play with his entertainment center. It warms my heart seeing them interact together.

Monday, October 4, 2010

six months

Next Tuesday Grayson James will be six months old! Time just flies by way too fast :( This weekend was his first experience at Greater Andover Days, we have made it a tradition to watch the parade with a close childhood friend of mine, her children and extended family. Connors and Blakers had a blast together waiting for and watching the parade. Connor was being so sweet, when candy was thrown he made sure every young child that was with us got a piece of the thrown candy.
All prepared for the action, it was chilly with the strong wind blowing and early on a Saturday morning.

 Aw, love this picture!
Candace and Grayson (she can't wait to get her hands on him everytime she sees him lol)
Connors and Blakers waiting for the parade to start
 Connor during the parade break in the action
 Blake was being a goofball everytime I pointed the camera at him
 Watching the parade, waiting for more candy