The Gollin Boys

A glimpse into my crazy head. Mostly this is about my boys, but venting about everyday events and the great things about being a professional career woman and mother while trying to successfully balance having it all. lol

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am so bad about doing this blogging thing and honestly doubt anyone follows this but it gives me something to so my kids when they get older.
Connor started Kindergarten last week and has already sadly been labled the class clown who is so smart but has trouble listening. I am raising a brat and it is time for some changes, that he of course is so resistant to. He blames all the changes on the man in my life, but we all know better, he is just upset that he isnt in control anymore.
Today I call the teacher and set up an after school conference about sending home some extra "homework" to keep Connor learning outside of school and busy enough to stay out of trouble in and out of class. He truly is bright but I know he is from my gene pool meaning he has my mouth and attitude with his father's sassy confident self assurance. This all adds up to a mature mouthed sassy child and equals trouble!!!!
Grayson is chowing down on baby food now. He loves bananas, applesauce, and pears; each time he eats it is a full jar that he eats within ten minutes of getting the bib on. I have to hold his hand because I can't seem to feed him fast enough and those fingers go in his mouth. lol
Still haven't heard anything from Bell Helicopter but they have sent my resume along to management means it is out of recruitment hands. Hoping and reasonably waiting to hear something back by October latest December time frame. I am realizing that the move to Texas will take some time but that is the way it is suppose to be to make sure it is really what I want. With no question Manly is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with but that wont happen until I can get my kid under control. So it is a good thing we arent leaving yet.
I will post some pictures in the next week or so.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Family Day

Saturday afternoon, my parents and sister had a poker run that ended with one last picnic at Beech Lake Park shelter. That is right Beech Lake was sold and will no long be a private park and most likely will no longer be a park at all :(
The boys and I met them up there to enjoy one last memory of the boys playing at the park I grew up playing on as a child with my friends. Pig in and Pig out fed us and Mom made the wonderful desserts, after some showing off of buring rubber and fancy things on their bikes it was time to cool of with some water balloons and time to clean up. Amazingly enough we were home at a decent time and in bed at an even better time.
I love watching my sister with the baby and being so motherly to Connor. It was good seeing mom back on the bike and found out they are going to Stirgaus this year. I have some cool parents lol.
Not much to write about this weekend, it was chill and non eventful really. I love having the cable off, Connor actually wants to spend time with me coloring and reading his many books. When we get to Texas I need to get him and Grayson a full size bookshelf for all their books. I have a house that will pass the white glove test now and got some nap time in with Grayson as well.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Four months

Tomorrow Grayson gets his four month shots and Connor has his Kindergarten physical. They are growing up so fast, Grayson is finally gainging some weight and fitting into 0-3 clothes, no new born diapers or clothes now :)
We are on month number two waiting to hear back from Bell Helicopter on a possible interview and job. they are still screening my resume to find the best fitting position so no news is a good sign so far. My love and I are saying our prayers that our plans work out but remaining flexable. We are between the two of us saving for the house we found and are hoping to be in by December.
Not much to write about at this time it really is the same thing day after day. Work, pick up the boys and play until dinner and bedtime, clean the house and other motherly duties, bed to get up at 4am to do it all over again.
I would not have it any other way :) I am deeply and truly blessed that I am only seperated from my soul mate by 450 miles and not eternity. My children are healthy and so am I. We will get through this test with flying colors and live the rest of our lives together in each other's arms where we belong.

Monday, August 2, 2010


We spend most of our weekends at the local YMCA area pools. They are great for both my boys, Connor can play with out me being right on top of him. He makes new friends each time and loves being in the water. Grayson can splash in the babies area or in the gradual deeping water with me and Connor. Grayson loves the water and is so comfortable in it and keeps his hat on the whole time. I am truly blessed to have two boys who aren't scared of the water and are generally happy babies.