The Gollin Boys

A glimpse into my crazy head. Mostly this is about my boys, but venting about everyday events and the great things about being a professional career woman and mother while trying to successfully balance having it all. lol

Saturday, January 30, 2010


It snowed much to your big brother's excitement! Friday we (well Connor) went sledding on what you will come to know is "our hill" really its the soapbox derby hill off Oliver within walking distance from home. After realizing he was frozen solid we came home to warm up and cuddling for awhile until he decided he was done with me. lol...You were kicking away and not happy cause Mama was so sick! Our doctor has us on Zofran which is an antinasua medication that is pretty strong. Hopefully it will kick in soon.
Anyway, this week you moved from Transverse to head down. I can tell in the difference in where you pound on me :) I am starting to waddle a little and feeling a lil more uncomfortable and so excited to meet you but please do not make a surprise early arrival. I am so not ready! I have so much to get ready at work before my eight week leave!
Today (Saturday) we skipped Basketball because Mama wasnt physically up to it after being sick all night. So we slept in for about an hour and got ready for "services" at Shul. It was community services today which meant that Connor got out of sitting through services like usual. All the kids were in "class" and not in services :( Everyone thinks you are making Mommy look so cute and got to see you "show off" making my belly dance! You love when we stand up and sing our prayers and Rabbi's voice always gets you moving. Sermon was all about moving on from the past to create the best future as possible...totally fitting for your Mommy and Bubbe made sure to tell me she was thinking bout me during it. Bubbe planned a most delis lunch for everyone! I was excited to be able to keep it down and boy did you enjoy it. Later Mom was called into work to help out her director get some things out. I realized how great life is and how blessed I am to be where I am and that you are soon to join us put me on cloud nine!
Here is a pic of me at 30 weeks with you...I am still at a four pound weight gain but you are growing like you are suppose to and doctors say you are healthy.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Third Trimester!

Well, it is less then three months before we get to meet Grayson! It's all Connor can talk about! Today was Connor and Bubbe day-they started the day out with a visit to the Shul to drop off some items and talk to Rabbi (as Connor says "MY RABBI") about when we are to schedule Grayson's Britz (circumcision). The debate was do we starting counting the eight days from day of birth or from the first full 24 hours after birth. Easy question for him to answer but instead said "its going to be a girl, why are we scheduling a Britz?!" which prompted Connor's reaction..."Rabbi your silly-Im having a BABY BROTHER, not a sister!" Mom said it was really cute. See Rabbi really wanted me to have a girl so we would have a baby naming instead of a Britz, he is what we call a Moual who is religiously and medically able to preform circumcisions. With Connor he had a mear eight days to get prepared and the last one he did was four years ago. He is anxious but wouldn't dream of saying no, we are all really close. But I digress, Rabbi did say we start the eight day count from day of birth. Leaving the Britz to be done on April 19th in the evening before sundown.
So continuing with "Bubbe and Connor day" they met Zayde for lunch at Subway and went on to running erronds ending with a trip to restock the toys at BubbeZayde's (yes all 1 word as it comes out of Connor's mouth) with big boy toys. THey had a great day!

My OB called me while I was in an Office 2007 training class to inform me that I needed to get into my primary care doctor tomorrow to do a three hour Glucose Tolerance test because my blood work we did last Thursday came back at 143 with 140 being the highest accpetable glucose level. SO needless to say I am going in tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 because I have some reports that are due into management in the morning. I cant eat after midnight and only drink water until the test is done. Good thing...I am stuck in the doc's office for three hours which means I will get caught up on some reading.

Work is going great but I'm finding it difficult finding the time to complete my "desktop manual" made up of ALL the processes I follow to complete all my responsiblities. Sounds easy right, being a large company and everything is documented due to multiple audit requirements. Problem, the processes I follow are all ones I created as I have been doing my ever expanding job role over the last five years. SO NOTHING is documented! I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, I need to have it done by the end of next month so all of March my TWO back ups can take notes and learn the processes so the questions are limited while I am gone for eight weeks.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January OB Appointment

Thursday (12th) was our monthly check up with Dehart and like usual Bubbe picked up your big brother from school and made it to our room just after I had my blood drawn to make sure I am not dealing with any issues at this point. Dr. Dehart came in rechecking our chart and realized I have only had a total of four pounds gained thus far. I promised to try to gain at least 6-10 pounds in the next three months. You were kicking away and didn't stop the whole appointment, which made getting a good read of your heart rate a bit difficult but we were able to hear your racing heart beat. Connor thought that was pretty cool and you read 160 beats per minute because you were moving so much!
On the way of the room Bubbe mentioned being able to plan when you are making your arrival, Doc said no earlier then April 7th but anytime after that would be fine. Since he is pleased with your growth we are planning on your birthday being April 12th, ten days before Mommy's birthday! Making your britz on April 20th but we have to make sure this date is okay with Rabbi. Your baby shower is March 21st, Bre who is like a daugther to me and Lakin's Mommy brought over some of his old clothes. He has out grown all his 0-3 clothes while quickly out growing his 3-6 month clothes! She surprised us Friday night with an Infant Spa Bathtub for you and has a Camera baby Monitor that is still in the box she is going to bring over the next time we babysit Lakin!
So many people are excited and anxious to meet you! Love you bunches lil bit!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

27 Weeks

Over the weekend your brother and I had some family pictures taken at Portrait Innovations. We had a great time cracking eachother up and picking out the best pictures. It is our last set of family pictures without you in my arms, we are getting so excited to welcome you into the world. I pick up your crib and mattress tomorrow evening for a great price, you will use the "car" bed that your big brother used when you are a toddler. You are incrediably active in my tummy always reminding you are there and getting bigger and stronger by the minute. Already you make me smile and I think you are going to be my out spoken boy letting everyone know you are around.
Connor is so excited to be your big brother all he talks about is how much he is going to love you and be the best big brother ever. He tries to hold you now, by trying to lift my tummy up so I dont have to hold you up according to him. He gets mad when I use "adult" words and eat sweets from time to time.
Three months from Thursday is your "due date" and it will be here before we all know it. I am so ready to be your mommy and love you with my whole heart!
Here are some pictures from the weekend...