The Gollin Boys

A glimpse into my crazy head. Mostly this is about my boys, but venting about everyday events and the great things about being a professional career woman and mother while trying to successfully balance having it all. lol

Friday, June 26, 2009


So I havent had time to post on here in a long time. Life has been busy to say the least. Everytime I turn around something else is happening that limits my time. So where to begin? Beginning of June is a good place to boyfriend and I have been talking about him moving in with me and Connor. Slowly but surely he has been moving bits and pieces into my place, then there was a pregnancy scare thrown in there. Then I get a phone call from Connor's father, Mack. He was needing a place to stay not wanting to allow the negative cycle to repeat by moving into his familys place. After much debate with myself I allowed him to crash on my couch. Knowing it will be a few months of discomfort finacially and personal space wise. It was the best thing for him and would be okay for Connor being able to see his father every day finally.
What I didnt realize was that he was a built in babysitter and allow me to work more as well. So once again balancing a social life and being a mother. Top things off with my starter on my car rapidly going out, another reason to have Mack around. he fixes that kind of stuff.
Oh yeah then there is Ryan who is a sweatheart and in my life and always supportive and helpful when it comes to my finacial life. he is a great guy
Well that is all the time I have for now to catch everyone up on my goings on...the dryer just stopped and lil man needs to be moved out of my bed into his own